Friday, March 27, 2009

Care to buy me a Time Turner??

Its rather strange how life gets all complicated when we grow up........or does it??....I dunno....Its just another one of those questions that opens up a whole new pandora's box!!....

I guess in a perfect world,good always wins over evil,Cinderalla finally gets her prince,and everyone lives "happily ever after".....In a perfect world,there are no if's and but's....In a perfect world zits and bad hair days are non-existant.....!! But we live in a world that's imperfect in every sense.....! No,I'm not being a pessimist....In fact I was a die hard optimist until recently...and then....I grew up.... ! It takes very little to transform a starry-eyed dreamer into a person who is well versed with the unadulterated bullshit of bordering somewhere on the verge of I making sense?...maybe,maybe not...but even life,at times,borders on there! (At this point,the writer feels "why am I even writing this crap"....but read on anyway)

Just the other day,I was walking home from the grocery store and a gang of little 7 year olds,busy playing catch,called out "Didi,come play"....they always do,every time they see me....and every single time,I just smile and walk on......thinking how,just a few years ago,I was one of them,hitting the streets with friends every evening after school,running around,laughing,screaming till mom had called out for the nth time to come home and do home work.....oh yeah,homework....that was the only semblance of worry I had back then......and not to mention how to throw my glass of milk down the sink when mom wasn't looking(sorry mom!!)....apart from that,life was so simple....!!....but the grass is always green on the other side.....and I couldn't wait to grow up and"do whatever I want"......well grow up I did...coaching classes replaced my evenings of mirth and before I could make head or tail of what's happening,board exams came up,and I was carted off to college.....!

And now that I'm a "grown up",I realise that being a kid was so much easier....when broken bones were much better than broken hearts,when "goodbye" only meant "I'll see you tomorrow" and not forever,when crying was equivalent to howling in front of everyone and not lonely,silent tears at night,when depression was unheard of and life was picture perfect....well,almost! Don't get me wrong,I'm not sulking or's okay.....and after all's said and done,everyone goes through highs and lows,right?....Its just that I'm having a tough time figuring out how life can shift gears on such a large scale,in such a short span of time.....!!

Hell whatever,I guess I should start making friends with the 7 year olds!!